Build a FUTURE-PROOF COACHING & TRAINING BUSINESS Today, Without Wasting Costly Trial-&-Error Mistakes!
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Glenn Lim (SG, MY, TH) is a Business Breakthrough Specialist & Master Instructional Designer, helping businesses and individuals break their stuckness to achieve results. He is highly credentialed in the areas of personal & business development, and runs several knowledge-based entities targeting different market sectors. He is a sought-after regional conference speaker, addressing up to an audience-size of over 15,000 in a single seating.
BUT... over the years he learnt the hard way that competing for the stage has also been his greatest derailment. Because it always came down to competing on price-point, image, branding etc
Since 2016, Glenn has discovered new strategies in 'blue ocean' domains, opening new opportunities to monetize knowledge. He regularly closes US$15k - US$25k trg/coaching programs at his preview seminars. Today, he has distilled these strategies into a training system to enable other trainers/coaches to capture new markets and breakthrough their knowledge businesses.
Hear from him how he capitalized from the Pandemic to 5X his revenue, and learn how to start future-proofing yourself by running your very own knowledge-business!